Deadheads love acronyms almost as much as digital culture in
general loves acronyms (JGBheads: TWLWMYD or TWYDTTYD?). I'm coining
one of my own, based on a little note Dick Latvala made in his
about 1/22/78, a favorite show of mine and maybe even a candidate for
the mercurial top 10. This particular show had an enormous impact on me
as a teenaged listener (of which I will write about more someday), and
an old post by my late friend Tim, aka skobud (RIP) on the Transitive
Axis forum called attention to it:
"I love where it is written in red pen that THIS IS ALL NONSENSE; I'VE LEARNED BETTER and [Dick is] putting a line through all of these shows: '11/4, 6/77, 5/8/77, 9/3/77, 6/8&9/77, 1/13 SEEM AS POTENT.' You just gotta love a thought process like that. Like -- fuck it, what was I thinking? I know better now."
to overstate what may be obvious, but that way of thinking is so key,
so integral to active engagement in whatever it is that you love to do.
Everyone inevitably gets settled in their ways. We hunker down into
little mental ruts and our minds seek to resolve whatever cognitive
dissonances crop up when our preconceptions are challenged. And here is
Dick, the archetypical Dead Freak, feverishly scribbling his responses
to the music that he loves, holding it all up against his highest standards of
quality that he uses as high water marks, then revising and
crossing the whole thing out. It's interesting (to me) that, even at this early
date, shows like Colgate, Cornell, and Englishtown -- shows that are now so
canonized that they're identifiable by single words -- were already being
touted as all-timers. Dick may have been a sentimental dude (aren't all
Deadheads?), but not here: all those other heavy-hitters are just as
potent as 1/22/78? Nope. 1/22 clobbers all of them. That stuff about
Colgate, Cornell, and Englishtown is all nonsense. I've learned better.
I'm proposing my own acronym for these moments of reflection when we
get out the scalpel and go to work on our own preconceptions: TIANILB
(it even kind of rolls off the tongue: "tia-nilby." maybe? not really?
not really). Who knows? If I ever finally take to Twitter or whatever
supercedes Twitter, you may someday catch me blasting out a revelatory
proclamation of greatness for an unheralded gem of a show.